Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Optionsclick Review: Just Before You Sign Up

So you have decided to venture in trading binary options and you are considering joining optionsclick as you preferred broker. As an investor, it is important to have all the necessary information that will make you have a great experience while trading. This optionsclick review will try and highlight certain important matters that will affect you directly while trading with the company. Use this information to make an informed decision before signing up with the company.

Trading tools

OptionsClick has a fully equipped educational center where budding binary options traders can find a lot of useful materials. The materials are available for both new and seasoned traders and users find them to be very useful in their learning process. They also have a number of interactive courses which are very comprehensive and have been praised to give great insights in trading binary options.


OptionsClick allow one free withdrawal every month but charges any other subsequent withdrawal during the same month. The process of withdrawing funds is very simple and will only take a few business days unless some unforeseen delays come along the way. Just as the other companies, optionsClick does not allow one to withdraw more funds than their initial deposits.

Payout rates

The company has some of the highest payout rates as compared to most companies that deal with binary options. With a promise of 89% return on investments, they also give their investors 15% on all the orders that expire in the out-of-the-money. Very few companies offer such rates.  

Quality of the platform

The trading platform offered by the company has a simple design which is easy to navigate and the layout is also simple to understand. Most of the menu features can be easily accessed from the interface hence there is no need to spend a lot of time looking for the important features. On the aesthetics, the platform has a set of warm and matching colors which further enhances the trading atmosphere each and every time.

Customer service

The company offers a number of ways to contact the customer support. Investors can reach the customer care executives either through the live chat support feature or email and most conveniently, they have a “call me” feature where clients can make requests so that the company calls them should they face any technical challenge. 

4 Tips For Controlling Emotions In Fx Currency Trading

It’s common for people who are just starting out in fxcurrency trading to lose huge sums of cash not because they are not yet competent enough to trade but because they involved their emotions while conducting their trades. Making emotions as part of the trading strategy should never be an option. It is a sure way to become a horrible trader and you can easily see your account balance disappear in a matter of minutes. Use these tips to put your emotions in check and increase your chances of making more successful trades.

Increase your knowledge about trading

Increasing your knowledge about trading online is one great way of ensuring that you do not let you emotions take over while you trade. The more conversant you are with the markets, the more you will be in a position to make good trading strategies. You also need to learn to use a number of indicators so that you can always confirm trends using multiple tools to enable you place trades with confidence and not worry about changes in the market thereafter.

Simulate your strategies before going live

Whenever you develop new trading strategies, be sure to test them in a demo account and see if it will give the results you are anticipating. This will enable you to identify loopholes and polish the strategies so that by the time you use them in a live account, you are certain about their performance and in this way, you will be more at peace with yourself knowing that your strategies have higher chances of giving you the results you want.

Have a trading plan

Most of the people who are always affected by emotions while trading are those that commence trades without any trading plans. They neither know where to stop losses nor where to take profits. You need to have a trading plan and keep on revising it as per its performance. You also need to stick to your plan and exit the trades should the markets invalidate your plans.  

Market research

Market research will give you an insight on the behavior of the market and expose you to different trading opportunities. You therefore need to do thorough analysis of the markets and try as much as possible to unearth several trading opportunities. This will add more confidence in your trades and it will help in reducing the emotional effects you might have while the trades are on. 

Forex Trading Review: Dangers Of Using Forex Signals

Investors trading foreign currency have the option of subscribing to a signaling service provider so that they can receive signals when there are good opportunities to trade. Though the signals are meant to provide as accurate information as possible, this will not always be the case. It is a good idea to trust your own trading strategies and avoid overreliance on the signaling services due to the following reasons:-

1.      One aim of the signals is to tell the investors when it is the right time to enter a trade. When this happens then by bad luck the communication link between the signal provider and the investor’s breaks, the investor will not know when to exit the trade unless they had a very good backup plan. When such a breakdown in communication happens, the investor risks losing a lot of money due to lack of a proper exit strategy.

2.      The success of using the trading signals largely depends on their accuracy to make correct predictions. This implies that the signal provider should have a valid and tested source for acquiring and sending the signals. However most of the signal providing companies aggregate data from several other sources without having any proven track record. Therefore there is a huge likelihood that the predictions given by signals will not be accurate in most of the times.

3.      The accuracy of the signals also depends on how timely the price information is. A signaling company may use a different source other than the one used by the client to obtain the price quotes. When two different sources are used in this manner, there is a possibility of a significant difference existing between the two sources and this can lead to wrong forecasting and consequently losses by the investor.

4.      Forex signal provider do not require any license in order to provide the signals to the investor so long as they will use a software and a website for sending out the signals. The implication of this is that there is no oversight and this gives room to fraudulent people whose main aim is to target desperate investors who need to the signals to make profits.

This forex trading review on signals is not meant to demonize the signaling companies in any way. If anything, there are a number of reputable companies that have been able to offer very accurate price predictions and are generally loved by many investors. This is just to act as a word of caution to those who might be tempted to rely on the signals for trading. The signals have their inherent dangers hence require a lot of caution to use accurately. 

How To Become A Better Scalper In Forex Trading Online

There are different methods and strategies of conducting successful trades in the currency markets. One of the methods used in forex trading online is scalping. This refers the act of exposing an account to higher risks in order to make huge profits within a very short period of time; usually under a minute or two. The risks involved in are substantially high and if you are not ready and willing to lose all you investments in a matter of minutes, stay away from this method. But for those who have high risk appetites, use the following tips to increase your chances in scalping:-

Go for high leverages

Leverages enable traders to trade more money than they have in their accounts. When it comes to scalping, high leverage is the key. This is so that when you make profits, you make them in very large amounts. But you have to remember that with a high leverage, you stand to lose a substantial amount of money should the market go against you.

Decide in advance

You need to prepare in advance on what amount of risk you are ready to take and the amount of money you are ready and willing to lose. You actually need to prepare your mind for the worst case scenario which means blowing up every coin in your account.

Identify the ideal trading hours

Even though forex trading online happens for 24 hours a day, scalping is not ideal for every hour. Success in scalping heavily depends on the timing therefore you need to determine the particular trading hours that the markets are most aggressive as these are the periods which can experience spikes in the price movement which will be perfect for scalping.

Be good in market research

As a scalper, it is imperative that you soak up as much information as possible and gather several nuggets of information which might give an indication on when and where massive price movements might occur to set up perfect conditions for scalping. You will achieve massive success with this strategy if you can always stay ahead of the pack and identify opportunities while others are still asleep. 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Four Reasons Why You Need To Start Online Forex Trading

With the current tough economic times, it is the desire of every individual to have an additional source of income to complement their normal earnings so that they can take good care of their families and have a good life. The advent of the internet have made it possible for many people to start online forex trading to enable them meet their financial needs. This is not because trading foreign exchange is an easy venture but the convenience and the earning potentials it offers are the major attractions to it. Here are some reasons why you too should begin in trading foreign currencies online.

24 hour access

The online foreign exchange market never sleeps. At any given time of the day, there will be a market opened somewhere in the world. The markets will generally close on Friday evening and open on Sunday evening. This gives you the ability to schedule your trades so that you retain you day job and trade the markets when it is best convenient for you. And with various trading strategies available, you can simply decide to trade only for a few days or a few hours on each day.

Low entry barrier

There is no business that have low entry barrier as trading foreign exchange online. All it requires is you to sign up with a good broker then provide proof of identity and place of residence and then you are good to go. Depending on your initial capitals, you are free to start onlineforex trading with as little as $50 and you will still be able to make profits.


Leverage refers to the ability to trade more money than you actually have as your account balance. For instance, when you trade on a leverage of 100:1, it implies that you have the ability to trade $100 for every $1 you have. Leverage gives traders the ability to earn huge profits with small investments but a similar risk of losing in the same amounts also exists hence it should be used with great caution.

High liquidity

The forex market is the most liquid in the world with a daily turnover of over $4 trillion dollars. This presents a very huge opportunity for investors to makes money even with the slightest movements in the prices. Besides, you can conduct your trades on any day at any time without any kind of restrictions coming your way. 

Optionsclick Review Is One Of The Best Portals For Review In The Market

One of the larger brokerage firms has a leading edge online portal for reviews of brokers and news affecting Forex. This is the OptionsClickreview for traders. This portal says that the team that built this portal did a great deal of research and noted that this portal looks different to all the other brokers on the market currently.

OptionsClick has a Touch and Range options that can add to their trading experience when it suits them. The reviews also explain about 1 PIP and profits traders are protracted by the brokerage firm. It is basically a complete Forex trading career in a software product!

It has rich skins and one of them is the trading platform itself. According to the reviews, the big plus of this great platform is from the onset of trading traders are able to view what their payout will be.

This payout is figure on the amount of money each trader decide to invest in each particular trade and on the option. This platform is also clearer than others, allowing traders to see all their available trading assets and when they are available and unavailable for trade.

The part that is best about trading with this firm is it trades on weekends and weekend Forex trading allows traders to make up to 250% returns outside the regular hours for the market.

The platform not only has all of the stuff mentioned above, but knowing that news has an effect on the markets – the news is streaming on the portal all the time and is a big plus. You will also get up to date news on Bitcoin.

Each reviewer who has worked with this portal, rates it the best. You need to look at it before you make any decisions as to what platform you want to work with. This will be an important decision to make whether you are a trader or a client of this firm.

So, at least give it a try with a demo account and see if the reviews are right. 

Broker Reviews and What You Will Find

A broker in the Forex exchange is an intercessor between the currency market and a trader. Trading in the retail foreign exchange has to be done through a Forex brokerage and a broker. Naturally you want the best broker you can find but finding the best among hundreds of these online companies is a huge task. You will need Forex Brokers Reviews.

Help to find broker

Many brokerage firms offer a total set of tools that makes finding, researching and comparing almost all available firms somewhat easier. This is Forex Brokers reviews and all the brokers online are presented in some review and you will be able to find:

·         Broker’s rating;
·         Broker’s reviewed by traders;
·         Brokers’ representatives that answer questions on problems mentioned in reviews;
·         First-hand information on a broker.

Firm first?

It is almost easier to find the firm that you would like to go with and then take their brokers to make a decision. Still with only 1 brokerage firm, that can leave you with a list of brokers in the hundreds.

What to expect?

You should only go with a Forex online broker after considering the following:

·         Are you totally fine with trading that is internet-based?
·         You have no problems accepting terms of service that are electronic;
·         You wish to be able to trade with brokers offshore;
·         A choice of diversity is more valuable to you than a personal contact with your brokerage firm

A Different Choice

If you are really not interested in the above features, you might just consider contacting your local bank or by joining a currency futures exchange. These futures exchange have customer requirements that are usually much stricter than those of any online Forex brokerage firm.

Review will have

The brokerage firms will have in their review of a broker:

·         In-depth overview;
·         Video and text expert review;
·         User reviews and much more.

Why this is important

This entire situation of finding the right broker for you is extremely important because this is the person you are going to trust with your money and lots of it; so it is important to go to all extremes when doing due diligences on brokers that catch your attention.

This is really important if this broker will be training you so that you also can be a broker. You are only going to be as smart as the broker that you use.

A Currency Trading Platform Is What Brokers and Traders Use On the Forex Market

What is a currency trading platforms? It is simply a piece of software that is a channel for data exchange between a trader and a broker. This trading platform offers information such as charts and quotes and includes an interface for the broker to enter orders.

Trading Platform

Currency trading platform software can be based locally, which simply means that it is installed on the trader’s computer. It can be used with Mac, Windows, and Linux systems – various brokers offer different options in this case.


 There are also some brokers who have software that is web based. These platforms usually run using Java, which is a web language. The benefit of web-based trading platform is that it can be used almost anywhere a computer has access to the internet.

Cost or free?

Trading platforms are offered most of the time free, but there are some brokers that allow traders to purchase platforms that have higher functionality for a subscription or charge. There are other brokers who offer platforms with various levels of functioning for those traders who are more active.

Trading Online

Forex trading online meets the same things from a trading platform that are needed for trading at any other type of security. The platform needs to be a go-between for the retail broker and the forex trader. Platforms also need to be able to offer historical and real-time data to the trader and provide them access to all of the order types that needs to be available to trade Forex efficiently.


Things you need to find out:

·                     Is it free or is there a nominal charge?
·                     If there is a charge, are there additional features?
·                     In the charting component what are the technical indicators?
·                     What is the order interface?
·                     What types of orders available?
·                     Is the graphic internet easy to look at?

Most brokers allow the customers to open a demo account before funding a full account or mini account. Be certain to try out every broker’s software during this trial period to learn what trading software feels best.

Benefits Of Trading With The Best Forex Brokers

In order to have a successful career as a forex trader, it is imperative that you align yourself with the best brokers who will literally take you by hand and show you what needs to be done to achieve exemplary results with most of your trades. The brokers are the only linkage that exists between you and the markets. They possess the tools, skills and the knowledge which you may not have when you are just starting your journey as a trader. Here are some of the reasons why it is a must to have a good broker.

Endless earning potentials

As a forex trader, you should be on the lookout for every opportunity you can use to grow your portfolio. This is one great advantage that comes with working with the best forex brokers. You will not only have the opportunity to make money through trading the foreign currencies alone but you will have the chance to trade commodities, equities and indices.

Most of such companies will also have competitions that are geared towards rewarding the best performers and yet still, some will reward you if you refer a friend to them. All these are earning potentials that will be available to you.

Good trading experience

Good brokers will do everything within their powers to guarantee you a good trading experience. They will make you enjoy every moment you get in the platform to do your trade. This can come in a number of ways. For instance, you will have a 24/7 access to customer care support so that you can have your issues attended within the shortest time possible.

Ability to have multiple accounts

There are different account types that are available for various amounts of minimum balances. Being with a good broker will give you the chance to switch to any account type that you desire to have so long as you meet the threshold requirements. But most importantly, they will allow you to have trial demo accounts for unlimited period of time where you can sharpen your trading skills before you finally start to operate the live accounts.

Convenient trading platforms

The best forex brokers will also have a number of trading platforms available to the traders. These platforms have different capabilities and can run on various devices such as PCs and MAC. They will also have trading platforms that are specifically developed to be used in mobile devices such as smart phones and the tablets. What this gives you is easy access to your trades at any time and from any place.