Friday, 21 June 2013

Why One Should Trade Bitcoin, Explains

Forex has always been a huge market. Since the ancient to medieval to modern times, the world has seen many forms of currency exchanges. Even now in its postmodern phase, Forex is one of the biggest finance markets in the world, fruitfully elevating further with daily turnovers worth $4 trillion. While in the midst of all heavy foreign trading, we have also seen many new currencies going in and out. But the one that has managed to hold its ground in the forex industry is Bitcoin.

A decentralized digital currency by nature, Bitcoin has made quite a niche among forex traders around the globe, and many among them have taken interest to trade bitcoins. The reason for its popularity lays in its undependability on any central authority to control it. This means, Bitcoin is not subjected to surprising inflation which generally takes place due to some authorities deciding the flow of global currencies. Thus, Bitcoin is an independent currency which belongs completely to its owner.

Another reason for its popularity, which we at genuinely love, is its security which is taken care of even before its creation. Unlike the traditional online payment methods, Bitcoins are less vulnerable to security threats. In the United Kingdom alone, online frauds have lost between 750–830 million US Dollars. With Bitcoins, the scenario is completely different. The currency is uncompromisingly shielded with the best cryptographic mechanism and its intractability is one of its key assets that supplement the quotient of its security.

Being one of the most reliable forex experts ourselves, we at genuinely recommends Bitcoin to traders around the globe. We believe traders are provided with much better options when it comes to trade bitcoins. Not just its decentralization and security which has impressed us all these years since its inception, but the currency is somehow ethical by every means. One gets to stop being dependable on corrupted and unstable financial authorities and pay them unnecessary taxes. The control here belongs to traders themselves.

The writer is Jonathan Millet, co-founder of and an experienced forex analyst. For more articles, visit

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