Sunday, 4 May 2014

Why Choose The Forex Trading Market?

Forex trading market has gained ever increasing popularity since 2002. It is due to the major advantages that it offers. This market provides many benefits and amazing features to the individuals. Some of its main advantages are mentioned below:

·         24/7 OPEN MARKET
One of the major delights of Forex trading market is that it is available all the time. However, its working efficiency is reduced on Friday nights at about 22:00 and on Sunday nights at around 23:00. Otherwise, it offers its services 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. You can avail its services anytime you want. 

·         NO BREAKS
Except weekends when the availability of the services may decrease, Forex trading market has no gaps unlike the gaps in the equity market openings. This makes risk management easier to manage. This minimizes the chances of any severe loss in the stock markets. No breaks or gaps ensure that you do not miss any important event happening in the stock market.

There are often guaranteed stops offered by some brokers of Forex.

·         ACCESS
Majority of the Forex brokers have lesser entrance, which allows individuals to speculate currencies.  In the equity markets, it becomes very difficult to win if you have invested small amount, as the costs are important.

·         LIQUIDITY
Forex trading market trades around 4 trillion dollars daily so it is very liquid. This liquidity results in lower spread. This means that one can enter and leave positions conveniently with amounts ranging from very small to large. It is the choice you make based on your finances and bearable risks.

·         LESS COST
Unlike equity markets, Forex trading market usually offers no fee for maintaining your account and commissions. Most of the Forex brokers provide graphical platforms that offer newsfeeds and interface passages to facilitate orders.

·         LEVERAGE
Forex offers a high leverage ranging from 50 to 400. It depends upon the size of your account. It must be utilized wisely to attain good financial outcomes. On the other hand, in the equity market the permitted leverage is restricted to 5 only.

Thus, a beginner should definitely go for Forex trading, as it offers many features and opportunities to achieve excellent financial results. Another essential feature of this market is that it does not get influenced by any sort of external factors like the equity markets do. Therefore, it is an excellent choice for new investors. It is a reliable market and provides you chances to make serious gains.  

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