Monday, 16 June 2014

Factors To Consider Before You Buy Bitcoins

Bitcoins have been around for some time now and it seems that their popularity and value is rising with each and every day. Initially when they first hit the markets, a lot of people thought that it was just another fad about digital currency and it would soon disappear but this has not been the case.

In fact, a number of online stores and even big chain stores have started accepting bitcoins as a mode of payment for their goods and services. But before you jump on the craze and decide to buy bitcoins, there are some important facts bitcoins which you should be aware of.

Bitcoins are not regulated

The coins are under no regulation or supervision by any central bank or government. It is basically a free for all kind of currency and it’s regulated by the forces of supply and demand. Besides, other than buying the coins, they can only obtained through a process known as mining and only a few individuals with very powerful computers are able to mine them.

Being that they are digital currency, they are stored electronically in what are known as digital wallets. If you purchase the coins, you will have a digital wallet where you will be able to keep all of your coins. But one caveat with this form of storage is the fact that the wallets are encrypted in the personal computers and it is easy for them to be hacked and result in the loss of your coins.

Value of the coins

The value of bitcoins has been increasing at a very first pace. This is further encouraged by the fact that there are a limited number of the coins and ones all of them shall have been mined then there will no additional extra coins. In fact, some people believe that the next crop of world billionaires will originate from trading bitcoins. The coins are estimated to be worth $582.00 a piece at the moment.

How to purchase bitcoins

If you want to buy bitcoins, then you will have to use one of the crypto currency exchanges that are available in the internet. Just like normal online transactions, you will pay for the equivalent value of the bitcoins you want using secure payment methods and then you will have the coins will be transferred to your wallet.

Bitcoins are relatively new and many people are yet to comprehend and adopt their use. You should do thorough research and have the necessary information before you decide to invest in them. 

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