Saturday, 14 June 2014

Four Common Misconceptions About Forex Trading Online

Misconceptions and myths are bound to exist in any industry. The foreign exchange market is filled with a plethora of misconceptions and as a trader, it is important that you differentiate the facts from the myths and don’t let the myths affect your judgment on how you conduct your trades. Below are some of the misconceptions that have dodged the forex trading online arena for a long a while now.

Get rich quick route

Many people have the misconception that trading in the online foreign exchange market is a way to make a lot of money within a short period of time and basically get rich quickly. They look at the successful lives of the Wall Street money bags and then think that it was an easy journey for them. Those who think that trading forex online is a shorter route to success do not know that it requires dedication, commitment and continuous learning in order to enjoy the fruits.

Forex is a rigid market

This myth is specifically advanced by traders who have incurred losses and are looking for somewhere to lay blame for their failures. Simply because you have incurred losses does not mean that forex is some sort of a scam or that the brokers are corrupt and they are the ones responsible for your losses. If anything, online forex is one of the most flexible and liquid financial markets in the world with a daily turnover of over four trillion US dollars.

It is possible not to have losing trades

However seasoned you are at trading online forex, you can’t be right all the time. No one has ever developed a fail proof strategy that ended up giving them only winning trades without losing on even a single one. Success in forex trading online comes with minimizing the number of the losing trades and not avoiding losing trades at all.

You can be successful by doing what the other successful people did

While this might be true in other markets, it’s simply a myth when it comes to trading online currencies. The foreign exchange market is very dynamic and there is no way you are going to be successful by being a copy cat. You have to understand the markets and be able to rely on your own analysis in order to be successful. 

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